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How to Treat Skin Cancer on the Face

March 17, 2021

How To Treat Skin Cancer The Traditional Way

Knowing how to treat skin cancer on the face can provide patients with better options than what is traditionally prescribed. Mohs surgery is still the presumed procedure by which to remove non-melanoma skin cancer, even though it was developed in 1938! Mohs surgery involves incision, a mild amount of pain, and presumably a permanent scar. At Sensus Healthcare, we can both appreciate that Mohs has for decades been very successful, and that, after 82 years of doing things the same way, there’s a newer alternative on how to treat skin cancer on the face.


How To Treat Skin Cancer The New Way

We specialize in superficial radiation therapy, or SRT. This technique aims to remove non-melanoma cancerous cells without any of the downsides of the traditional Mohs surgical method; no surgery means no cutting, bleeding, risk of infection, pain during the procedure, and most notably no scarring. Scarring is a common result of Mohs surgery that is avoided entirely using our SRT technology. For an area as sensitive as the face, having a treatment option that does not risk scarring is ideal.


How Does SRT Work

 During SRT, a focused and low dose of radiation is precisely applied to the area of the tumor or lesion. The radiation only goes skin deep and is approved by the FDA for use in treating basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and non-malignant tumor cells. The treatment is carried out through multiple, quick sessions for an effective approach on how to treat skin cancer on the face.


Sensus’ Line Of SRT Machines

Sensus Healthcare is proud to offer modern solutions to the problem of how to treat skin cancer on the face. We have three incredible machines that will suit any dermatology or oncology practice: the SRT-100, SRT-100+, and SRT-100 Vision.

The SRT-100 Vision includes high frequency ultrasound for the purposes of imaging lesions and tumors. When paired with the detailed touch-screen display, the physician can see the treatment areas while the procedure is occurring. This ‘see and treat’ method is the most thorough technique for SRT available to date.

If you are interested in one of our machines for your practice, please reach out to us. If you would like to see if SRT is a good treatment option for you,  find a physician that offers SRT close to you.