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Sensus Healthcare: Treating Keloids

September 23, 2015

11 million people suffer from keloids. A keloid is a growth of extra scar tissue where the skin has healed after an injury. Keloids expand in claw-like growths over normal skin. They have the capability to hurt with a needle-like pain or to itch without warning, although the degree of sensation varies from person to person. Should keloids occur, the most effective treatment is Superficial Radio Therapy (SRT), which can achieve cure rates of up to 90%.

Sensus Healthcare’s SRT-100™ is a state-of-the-art and effective solution for treating keloids. Doctors can finally offer a superior and effective treatment option for their patients! Numerous clinical publications have demonstrated that combing SRT with surgery is the most effective and successful way to treat and rid your patents of keloids. Keloids don’t have to be a chronic disease anymore.

  • 90%+ cure rate
  • Virtually Painless
  • Enhance Patient’s Quality of Life
  • Proven Treatment
  • Treating Recurring Surgeries and Injections